There are plenty of ways you can help us raise funds to help musicians in need, which all help us to meet ever-growing demand from the UK music sector.

It’s been a rough few years for musicians, Brexit, Covid, budget cuts and more, have all made earning a living from doing what they love that bit more difficult. That has meant should accident or illness strike, many don’t have the safety net they once enjoyed and need to turn to us for help.


You can make one-off or regular donations to us, online via JustGiving, via bank transfer or cheque. To make a bank transfer or set up a Standing Order, please use the details below.

Account Name: The Royal Society of Musicians
Account Number: 00248530
Sort Code: 16-00-38
Reference: Please use a reference to let us know why you have donated.

Please make a cheque out to ‘The Royal Society of Musicians’ and post it to 26 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6BT

If you would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, please also complete a Gift Aid form below.


Whether you’re putting on a concert, running a marathon, or hosting a coffee morning, there are plenty of ways to raise money for RSM. We’re here to help you publicise your activities, so if you are planning a fundraising event, please contact us.


Help musicians in need and look good at the same time with RSM Merch! Made with sustainable products, each time you purchase, you are helping to support music professionals in the UK.