Any candidate for membership of The Royal Society of Musicians must have been a professional musician or professionally active within the world of music for a period of not less than three years preceding their application, and be of British nationality or have been resident in the UK for not less than the said three-year period.
Honorary Membership is conferred on individuals in recognition of their service and dedication to the Society and/or the music profession. Their names are published alongside their year of election. Governors and Court of Assistants are also listed alongside their year of election.
At the beginning of 2025, The Royal Society of Musicians had a membership of 2,093. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires all Members and Honorary Members to actively give permission for their details to be included in the Society’s Membership List. Permission has been received from all those listed below, in line with GDPR requirements.
Name | Elected | Instrument(s)/Area of profession |
Aaron, Tochukwu | 2023 | singer/songwriter |
Abbott, Anthony | 1984 | organ |
Abbott, Josephine | 1997 | cello |
Abson, Joanne | 2019 | flute |
Addinall, J Patrick | 1998 | trumpet |
Addison, Richard | 1976 | |
Aferiat, Lise | 2020 | violin |
Agnew, Elaine | 2000 | composition |
Aird, Philip | violin | |
Aitken, Stephen | 1998 | bass trombone |
Alcock, Anthony | 2005 | double bass |
Alcock, Susan | 1998 | |
Alder, Stephen | 1986 | voice |
Aldrich-Smith, Valerie | 2023 | harp |
Alexander, Fiona | 1997 | violin |
Alexander, Meyrick | 2017 | bassoon |
Alexander, Michael | 1994 | violin |
Allder, Robert | 2019 | organ, piano |
Allen, Geraldine | 1984 | clarinet |
Allen, Kevin | 2003 | piano |
Allen, Paul | 2019 | clarinet |
Allen, Rachel | 1992 | violin |
Allen, Rachel | 2025 | soprano |
Allen, Dr. Roger | 1991 | organ, piano, musicology |
Allen, Stuart | 1991 | clarinet |
Allery, Thomas | 2024 | organ, harpsichord |
Allport, Helen | 1991 | violin |
Alsop, Richard | 2024 | double bass |
Alvares, Enrico | 2022 | violin, viola |
Amherst, Timothy | 2006 | double bass |
Anderson, Jim | 2021 | tuba, cimbasso |
Anderson, Lorna | 1997 | voice |
Anderson, Paul | 2003 | piano, voice, conducting, academia |
Anderson, Nicholas | 2014 | writer, critic |
Andras, Tamas | 2020 | violin |
Andresier, Rose | 1982 | guitar |
Andrew, Ben | 2024 | composition, piano |
Andrews, Dr. John | 2019 | conducting |
Andrews, Julie | 2007 | bassoon |
Andrews, Tommy | 2019 | saxophone, clarinet |
Anstee, Steve | 2015 | cello |
Argent, Rod | 2020 | piano |
Argondizza, Pauline | 1997 | cello |
Arnold, Richard | 2005 | |
Ashbee, Dr. Andrew | 1996 | flute, musicology |
Ashley-King, Stephen | 1998 | administration |
Ashton, Charlotte | 2020 | flute |
Ashwell, Robin | 2009 | viola |
Ashworth, Bob | 2012 | French horn |
Ashworth, Neyire | 2024 | clarinet |
Atherton, David OBE | 1980 | conducting |
Attwood, Carl Revd. | 1994 | organ |
Attwood, Elspeth | 2022 | cello |
Augar, Phillip | 2015 | violin |
Augustyniak, Jaroslaw | 2022 | bassoon |
Austen-Brown, Rebecca | 2019 | recorder, early strings |
Austin, John | 1993 | trumpet, flugelhorn |
Aviss, Prof. Derek OBE | 2019 | cello |
Baars, Andrew | 2020 | |
Babbs, John | 2023 | piano |
Backhouse, Jeremy | 1997 | conducting |
Bacon, Jenny | 2013 | voice |
Bailey, Alison | 2024 | teaching |
Bailey, Robert | 2023 | cello |
Bain, Christopher | 2016 | flute, piccolo |
Bain, Finlay | 2017 | French horn |
Bainbridge, Phillip | 2019 | trumpet |
Baker, Alan | 2016 | flute |
Baker, Anne | 1998 | cello |
Baker, Dr. David | 1982 | higher education, research |
Baker, Katherine | 2002 | flute |
Baker, Lynne | 1991 | viola |
Baker, Richard | 1997 | voice |
Baker, Steve | 2001 | composition |
Baker, Susan | 2005 | viola |
Bakewell, John | 2011 | double bass |
Ball, Malcolm | 1994 | ondes Martenot |
Ball, Simon | 2024 | piano |
Banfield, Prof. Stephen | 1996 | organ, musicology |
Banks, Jon | 1992 | accordion, santouri (dulcimer) |
Bannister, Donal | 2022 | trombone |
Barbosa, Nadia | 2020 | clarinet |
Barclay, Andy | 2013 | percussion |
Bareau, Suzanne | 2020 | violin |
Barford, Imogen | 2018 | harp |
Barker, Prof. Paul Alan | 2012 | composition |
Barnard, Lianne | 2018 | flute |
Barnard, Steve | 2019 | timpani |
Barratt, Timothy | 1985 | piano |
Barry, Edward | 1994 | violin |
Barry, Tim | 2000 | percussion |
Barry, Una | 1998 | voice |
Bartholomew, Graham | 2015 | piano, organ, voice |
Barton, Christopher | 2001 | organ |
Barton, George | 2019 | percussion |
Bateman, Paul | 1991 | conducting, arranging |
Bates, Daniel | 2016 | oboe |
Baulard, Valerie | 1993 | voice |
Baxendale, Sue | 2020 | French horn |
Bayley, Nicholas | 2011 | double bass |
Beale, Valerie | 2025 | administration |
Beaman, David | 1997 | violin |
Beamish, Sally OBE | 1996 | composition, viola, piano |
Beaumont, Dr. Adrian | 2001 | academia, composition |
Bebb, Ruth | 2004 | viola |
Bedford, Katie | 2019 | flute |
Beilby, Dr. John | 2004 | voice, piano |
Beldom, Tamara | 2023 | clarinet |
Bell, Allison | 2019 | voice |
Bell, Kenneth | 2014 | flute |
Bell, Lydia | 2024 | voice |
Bennett, Harriet BEM | 1999 | cello |
Benson, Simon | 1975 | double bass |
Benson-Wilson, Andrew | 2019 | organ |
Bentley, Alaster | 2019 | oboe |
Benz, Nicholas | 2017 | French horn |
Berent, Fritz | 1976 | bassoon |
Berridge, Cara | 2009 | cello |
Berry, Jed | ||
Berry, Vicky | 2012 | violin |
Bethell, John MBE | 1978 | conducting |
Bevan-Baker, Sarah | 1999 | violin |
Beven, Janice (Mrs Nash) | harp | |
Beynon, Emily | 1996 | flute |
Bicker, Elizabeth MBE | 2000 | piano |
Bimson, John | 2020 | French horn |
Bingham, Judith OBE | 2003 | composition |
Birchall, Jeremy | 1991 | bass |
Birchall, Patricia | 2001 | violin |
Birnstingl, Roger | 2020 | bassoon |
Bishop, Sean | 2024 | viola |
Bishop, Sue | 2021 | clarinet |
Björk, Karin | violin | |
Black, Dominic | 2000 | double bass |
Blackett, Peter | ||
Blew, Douglas | 2003 | viola |
Bloom, Philip | 2024 | piano, voice |
Bloxwich, Janet | 1998 | bassoon |
Bolt, Rachel | 1998 | viola |
Booker, Aaliyah | 2023 | violin |
Booth, Matthew | 1999 | trumpet |
Bornet, Adrian | 1981 | double bass |
Bosch, Leon | 2002 | double bass |
Bott, Catherine | 1997 | voice |
Boucher, Paul | 1981 | |
Boughton, Phil | 2020 | opera orchestra and chorus director |
Bourne, Richard | 1991 | voice |
Bourton, Robert | 2003 | bassoon |
Bowen, Geraint | 1997 | director of music |
Bowen, Meirion | 2017 | piano, writer |
Bowers, Timothy | 1984 | composition |
Bowne, Prof. Anthony | 2018 | conservatoire principal |
Bowron, Jordan | 2019 | viola |
Boyadjieva, Anais | 2024 | violin |
Boyd, Graeme | 2019 | tenor trombone, bass trombone, euphonium |
Boyd, Linda | 2024 | managing director, voice |
Boyd, Paul MBE | 2022 | managing director |
Boyesen, Nicole | 2019 | double bass |
Boynton, Geoff | 2019 | percussion |
Brabbins, Martyn | 2019 | conducting |
Bradbury, Adrian | 2018 | cello |
Bradley, Elizabeth | 2024 | double bass |
Bradley, Graham | 2019 | percussion |
Bradley, Sarah-Jane | 2001 | viola |
Bradshaw, Julia | 2021 | cello |
Bradshaw, Dr. Martin | 1992 | cello |
Bragg, Gillian | 2019 | cello |
Bramma, Dr. Harry | 2020 | organ |
Brannick, Chris | 2015 | percussion |
Brett, Adrian | 1981 | flute |
Brett, Charles | 2002 | countertenor |
Bridge, Debbie | 2002 | voice |
Bridge, Geoffrey | 2018 | oboe |
Brincourt, Anne | 2017 | cello |
Brittain, Deborah | 2011 | piano, clarinet |
Brittain, Mike | 1979 | double bass |
Brittlebank, Jennifer | 2019 | oboe |
Broadbent, Rachel | 2023 | oboe |
Brocklehurst, Julia | 2002 | violin, baroque violin |
Brockway, Oliver | 1977 | French horn |
Brooke, Kate | 2017 | double bass |
Brooke, Sarah | 2018 | flute |
Brooks, Edward | 1984 | voice |
Brooks, Gerard | 2021 | organ |
Brooks, Vyvyan | 1995 | violin |
Broom, Stephen | 2023 | viola |
Brough, Neil | 2017 | trumpet |
Brough, Paul | 2011 | conducting |
Brown, Adrian | 2003 | conducting |
Brown, Gabrielle | 2011 | cello |
Brown, Helen | 2004 | violin |
Brown, James Francis | 2018 | composition |
Brown, Jennifer | 2010 | cello |
Brown, Ross | 2018 | trumpet |
Brown, Timothy | 2024 | French horn |
Bruera, Federico | 2023 | guitar |
Bruggemeyer, Cecelia | 2008 | double bass |
Bruton, Thomas | 2025 | publishing, saxophone |
Bryant, Jeffrey | 1997 | French horn |
Buchan, Gordon | 2025 | violin |
Bucknall, Christopher Edward | 2020 | conducting, harpsichord |
Bucknall, Francis | 2023 | cello |
Bucknall, Nicholas | 1997 | clarinet |
Bucknall, Rachael | 2019 | cello, piano |
Buckoke, Peter | 2003 | double bass, Alexander Technique teacher |
Budd, Ian | 1997 | viola |
Bullard, Alan | 2019 | piano, composition |
Burgess, Martin | 2024 | violin |
Burke, Michael | 2020 | baritone |
Burley, Trevor | 1993 | cello |
Burnett, Sarah | 2000 | bassoon |
Burns, Rebecca | violin | |
Burrowes, Daniel | 2017 | cello |
Burrowes, David | 2003 | cello |
Burrows, Prof. Donald | 2017 | conducting, harpsichord, organ |
Busby, Susan | 2009 | oboe |
Bush, Andy | 2006 | |
Butcher, Jonathan | 2005 | conducting, musical director |
Butcher, Sarah | 2006 | cello |
Butler, Katherine | 2021 | flute, hand therapist |
Butler, Sally | 2020 | viola |
Butt, David | 1994 | flute |
Butterworth, Hattie | 2025 | cello, journalism |
Byers, David | 2005 | composition |
Byers, Jonathan | 2016 | cello |
Byrne, John | 2009 | piano |
Byrt, Lyndy | 2024 | piano |
Bywater, Kay | 2018 | saxophone |
Cahill, Teresa | 1992 | soprano |
Caird, George | 1996 | oboe |
Calderbank, Jane | 2003 | clarinet |
Calland, Deborah | 2022 | trumpet |
Cameron, Peter | 1991 | trumpet |
Camillo, Antony | 2022 | piano, director of performing arts |
Campbell, David | 1989 | clarinet |
Campbell, Margaret | 2016 | flute |
Campbell, Marian (née Wilson) | 1994 | piano |
Carden, Derek | 1987 | organ |
Carder, Richard | 2004 | clarinet, composition, conducting |
Carewe, John | 1980 | conducting |
Carey, Colm | 2019 | conducting, organ |
Carey, Tim | 2024 | piano |
Carnelley, Dr. John | 2002 | organ, academia |
Carpenter, Gary | 2015 | composition |
Carpenter, Nicholas | 2018 | clarinet |
Carpenter, Stephen | 2002 | administration |
Carpenter-Jacobs, Susan | 1984 | violin |
Carpos, Dr. Francesca | 1992 | bassoon, academia |
Carr, Gavin | 2019 | conducting |
Carr, Gordon | 1997 | |
Carr, Simon | 2017 | oboe |
Carrington, Diana | 2004 | viola, organ |
Carrington, Simon | 1977 | voice, conducting |
Carrington, Simon F | 2018 | timpani, percussion |
Cartledge, Sophy | 1984 | harp |
Carvalho, Santiago | 2003 | |
Carvell, Susan | 2019 | violin |
Castro, Anthony | 1992 | piano |
Cater, Susan | 2004 | piano |
Catterick, Tony | ||
Caudle, Theresa | 1999 | violin |
Cave, Dr. Penelope | 1994 | harpsichord |
Cayless, Ronald | 1992 | organ, choirmaster |
Chalk, Simon | 2024 | conducting, violin |
Chamberlain, Aidan | 2009 | trombone |
Chambers, Caroline | 1984 | |
Chambers, Colin | 1986 | flute |
Chambers, David | 1999 | saxophone |
Chandler, Adrian | 2007 | baroque violin |
Chandler, Dave | 2011 | trombone |
Chapman, Donna | 1993 | |
Chappell, Ben | 1994 | cello |
Charles, Andrea | 2024 | flute |
Charlesworth, Adrian | 2008 | violin |
Charlston, Prof. Terence | 2016 | historical keyboards |
Charman, Nigel | 2006 | percussion |
Chatterton, David | 2006 | contrabassoon |
Chauhan, Rekesh BEM | 2023 | piano, composition |
Chellel, Julia | 2018 | violin |
Chen, Bobby | 2005 | piano |
Chen, Ya-Heng (Judy) | 2021 | flute |
Cheung, Chun Yin (Xavier) | 2024 | piano |
Cheung, Makala | 2022 | singer, songwriter, producer |
Chilingirian, Levon OBE | 1996 | violin |
Chivers, David | 2022 | clarinet, saxophone |
Choi, Songeun | 2024 | piano |
Christophers, Harry CBE | 2001 | conducting |
Cigleris, Peter | 2019 | clarinet |
Clague, Colin | 2019 | trumpet |
Clapton, Nicholas | 2010 | countertenor |
Clark, Susan | 2019 | piano |
Clarke, Benjamin | 2021 | piano, trumpet |
Clarvis, Paul | 2008 | drums, percussion |
Clayden, Roger | 2015 | cello, bass trombone |
Clegg, Philip | 2005 | violin |
Clemmow, Katie | 1991 | oboe |
Cleworth, Anna | 2022 | violin |
Cliffe, Nigel | 2019 | voice |
Close, Uta | 2022 | piano, organ |
Clough, Thomas | 2012 | trombone |
Clutton, Christine | 1992 | |
Cocks, Elaine | 2018 | clarinet |
Cohen, Robert | 1999 | cello |
Cole, David OBE MVO | 2022 | conducting, arranging, composition, tuba, piano |
Cole, Prof. Jo ARAM FRAM | 2023 | cello |
Cole-Swinard, Jonathon | 2020 | conducting |
Collier, Andrew | 1985 | flute |
Collins, Jacob | 2024 | organ, conducting |
Collins Smith, Alison | 2001 | cello, cultural administration |
Collinson, Rob | 2019 | bass trombone |
Colman, Judith | 1998 | orchestra management |
Colwell, Georgina | 2003 | voice, conducting |
Comerford, Jack | 2025 | voice |
Condry, David | 2022 | organ, tenor |
Connell, Jacqueline | 1991 | voice |
Connington, Andrew | 2020 | trombone |
Constable, Claire | 2024 | cello |
Constantinou, Chris | 2000 | bass guitar, composition, producer |
Conway, William | 1998 | cello |
Cook, Peter | 2005 | saxophone, academia |
Cooke, Richard | 2004 | music director |
Coombes, Nigel Peers | 2008 | clarinet |
Coombs, Stephen | 2022 | piano |
Cooper, Julie | 2016 | composition |
Cooper, Ray | 1991 | percussion, film and television producer |
Cordeaux, Claire | 2019 | |
Corkhill, David | 2023 | percussion, conducting, composition |
Cornes, Jeremy | 2001 | timpani, percussion |
Cornick, Mike | 2004 | composition |
Costello, Ben | 2008 | piano, voice, musical director, adjudicator |
Cottrell, Prof. Stephen | 2022 | saxophone |
Couzens, Simon | 1990 | bassoon, contrabassoon |
Covey-Crump, Rogers | 1984 | tenor |
Cowan, Rob | 2014 | writer and broadcaster |
Cowdell, Alexander | 1990 | violin, composition |
Cowie, Prof. Edward | 1996 | composition |
Cox, Anthea | 1998 | flute |
Cox, Maureen | 1992 | piano |
Cox, Roy | 2020 | trumpet, French horn, brass instrument manufacture and repairs |
Cracknell, Gillian | 1992 | piano |
Cramp, Thea | 1995 | flute |
Craven, Leslie | 1993 | clarinet |
Crawford, Iain | 1997 | |
Crawford, John | 2019 | violin |
Crawshaw, Rebecca | 2022 | trumpet |
Craxton, Jane | 2017 | rehearsal studio management |
Crayford, Helen | 1998 | piano |
Crees, Eric | 2002 | trombone, conducting, composition, arranging |
Crehan, Dermot | 1996 | violin |
Crespo O’Donoghue, Nicole | 2019 | violin |
Cresswell, David | 1993 | organ |
Crocker, Elisabeth | 1981 | voice |
Cromie, Sandra | 2005 | piano |
Cross, Charlie | 2018 | viola |
Crossland, Anthony | 1991 | organ |
Crossley, Neil | 2016 | saxophone, clarinet, flute |
Crouch, Jason | 2015 | French horn |
Crouch, Ruth | 1985 | violin |
Crowley, Andrew | 2011 | trumpet |
Crowther, Michael | 2013 | trombone |
Crowther, Patricia (née Reid) | 2013 | trumpet |
Crozier, Richard | 1998 | music in education |
Cruickshank, Andrew | 1993 | composition, double bass |
Cullington, Paul | 1985 | |
Cummings, Laurence OBE | 1993 | harpsichord |
Cunningham, Bridget | harpsichord | |
Curlett, Denis | 1996 | trumpet |
Curror, Ian | 1984 | organ |
Dales, Ellen | 1987 | |
Dalling, Richard | 1979 | double bass |
Dall’Olio, Gabriella | 2004 | harp |
Dance, Abigail | 2021 | violin, viola |
Daniel, Huw | 2008 | violin |
Daniels, Charles | 1987 | tenor |
Daniels, David | 1996 | cello |
Daniels, Simon | 2022 | museum director |
Dankworth, Alec | 2023 | double bass |
Danson, Alan | 2018 | French horn, arranging, composition |
Darbourne, Jonathan | 2013 | counternor, director |
d’Arcy, Michael | 2004 | violin |
D’Arcy, Philip | 2007 | viola, violin |
Darlington, Dr. Stephen MBE | 2002 | organ, choral conducting |
Darlington, Dr. Stephen MBE | 2002 | organ, choral conducting |
Davies, Daniel | 2023 | cello |
Davies, Gordon | 2025 | conducting, French horn |
Davies, Hugh | 2001 | violin |
Davies, Jack | 1992 | guitar |
Davies, John S MBE | 2001 | choral director |
Davies, Leonora MBE | 2012 | piano, voice |
Davies, Dr. Lyn | 1999 | composition, keyboard, musicology |
Davies, Philip | 2004 | violin |
Davies, Simon | 2020 | voice |
Davis, Rachel | 2023 | viola |
Davison, Beverley A H | 1996 | violin |
Dawson, Anthony | 2018 | voice |
Dawson, Jane | 2018 | violin |
de Grey, Charlotte (née Ashe) | 1985 | administration |
de Quetteville, Timothy | 1997 | piano |
de Souza, Ben | 2024 | accordion, conducting |
de Souza, Christopher | 1988 | composition |
de Souza, Daniel | 2019 | French horn |
de Souza, Ralph | 2018 | violin |
de Souza, Simon | 2007 | French horn |
de Wit, Eric | 2019 | cello |
Deacon, Barry | 2021 | clarinet |
Deakin, Richard | 1993 | violin |
Demianov, Vladyslav | 2024 | bassoon |
Dearden, Nathan James | 2023 | composition |
Dearing, Erica | 2020 | violin |
Dearnley, Caroline | 2004 | cello |
Debretzeni, Kati | 2007 | historical violins |
Decuyper, Ginette | 2018 | violin |
Denny, Louise | 1991 | composition |
Dent, Rachel | 2024 | harp |
Delmar, Elaine | 2001 | voice |
Del Mar, Morwenna | 2024 | cello |
Demeterova, Gabriela | 2022 | violin |
Denholm-Blair, Anne | 2018 | harp |
Deniz, Clare | 2018 | cello |
Dennis, Albert | 2003 | double bass |
Denny, Louise | 1991 | piano, accordian, composition |
Dent, Robert | 1991 | cello |
Devery, Gráinne | 2023 | bassoon |
Devine, Steven | 2006 | harpsichord |
Di Trolio, Massimo | 2019 | clarinet |
Dias, Susana | 2018 | bassoon |
Dickins, Richard | 2011 | conducting |
Dickinson, Meriel | 1996 | mezzo-soprano |
Dickinson, Dr. Stella Jean | 1990 | oboe, music therapy, psychotherapy |
Dilkes, Neville | 1982 | conducting |
Dilks, David | 2024 | piano |
Diprose, Mike | 2005 | trumpet |
Disley, Stephen | 2021 | organ |
Dittmer, Petronella | 2008 | |
Dixon, Nickie | 2018 | double bass |
Doherty, Gerard | 1997 | conducting |
Domenichetti, Francesco | 2022 | guitar |
Dooner, Elisabeth | 1998 | flute |
Doran, Michael | 2019 | percussion, timpani |
Dorey, Sue | 2008 | cello |
Douglas, Alexander | 2023 | piano |
Douglas, James | 1986 | |
Douglas, Polly | 2015 | voice |
Downie, Barbara | 2020 | violin |
Downs, Colin | 1995 | guitar |
Doyle, Pete | 2022 | guitar |
Draisey, James | piano, conducting | |
Drew, Elizabeth Ann | 2019 | clarinet |
Drury, Sarah | 1995 | violin |
Drury, Steven | 2024 | trumpet |
Duarte, Leo | 2020 | oboe |
Dubery, David | 2005 | composition, piano |
Duckworth, Clare | 2018 | violin |
Dudderidge, Philip OBE | 2024 | music technology |
Dudley, Anne | 2016 | piano, composition |
Duggan, Callum | 2024 | double bass |
Dullea, Mary Dr | 2023 | piano |
Duncombe, William | 2023 | clarinet |
Dunk, Roderick | 2010 | conducting |
Dunn, Adrian | 1992 | violin |
Dunning, Ronald | 2018 | double bass |
Duro, Stephen | 1999 | organ, piano |
Durston, Roger | 1974 | |
Easley, Glenn | 1999 | piano technician |
East, Angela | 1997 | cello |
East, Leslie OBE | 1997 | |
Eathorne, Wendy JP | 1996 | soprano |
Eaton, Peter | 1990 | clarinet, instrument manufacture |
Edgar-Wilson, Richard | 2020 | voice |
Edge, Peter | 2024 | voice |
Edney, Lilah | 1993 | |
Edwards, David | 1992 | Renaissance/Baroque trumpet maker |
Edwards, Gavin | 2023 | French horn |
Edwards, Susan G | 1991 | clarinet |
Elliott, Cathy | 2020 | double bass |
Elliott, David | 1996 | director of music |
Elliott, Dr. Graham | 1985 | organ |
Elliott, John | 1996 | tuba |
Elliott, Martin | 1980 | voice |
Elliott, Tom | 2004 | violin |
Ellis, Charlotte | 1992 | piano |
Ellis, Ruth | 1998 | clarinet |
Ellison, Rosemary | 1988 | violin |
Elms, Roderick | 1996 | piano, organ, composition |
Elston, Janet | 2025 | clarinet |
Elston, Matthew | 2012 | violin |
Elton, Christopher | 1984 | piano |
Emanuel, Dai (David) | 1998 | violin, piano |
Emery, Robert | 2021 | piano, conducting |
Emmerson, Simon | 1981 | composition |
Eshelby, Paul | 2020 | trumpet, flugelhorn, piano, keyboards |
Estall, Joanna | 1990 | clarinet |
Estell, Lowri | 2023 | double bass |
Evans, Andrew | 1998 | double/electric bass, keyboard, composition |
Evans, Dame Anne DBE | 2004 | soprano |
Evans, Duncan | 2024 | guitar |
Evans, François | 2005 | composition |
Evans, Rik | 2019 | viola |
Evans, Susan | 2020 | violin |
Evans, Timothy | 2017 | piano |
Evett, Adrian | 1986 | bassoon, orchestra management |
Fairclough, Joanne | 2023 | teaching |
Farrell, Isabel | 1993 | oboe, voice |
Fasham, Ian | 1994 | bass trombone |
Faulkner, Jane | 1999 | violin |
Favell-Wright, Melissa | 2020 | double bass |
Fawcett, Bernie | 2022 | piano, voice |
Feaviour, Margaret | 1991 | soprano |
Feldmann Brummer, Sara | 2023 | voice |
Fenton, George | 1987 | composition |
Ferrand, Emma | 1993 | cello |
Ferris, Neil | 2019 | choral conducting |
Field, Christopher | 2014 | |
Field, Eileen | 2015 | voice, piano |
Fields, Peter | 2016 | violin |
Filer, Penny | 1990 | viola |
Finch, Stephen | 2009 | piano |
Findon, Andy | 2003 | flute |
Fingerhut, Margaret MBE | 2020 | piano |
Finlay, Rick | 2000 | drums |
Finley, Gerald CBE | 2024 | bass baritone |
Finlow, Nicolas | piano | |
Fisher, Jane | 2009 | flute |
Fisher, Peter | 2020 | violin |
Fitton, Judy | 1986 | flute, piccolo, alto flute |
Flanaghan, Patrick | 2019 | cor anglais |
Fleming, Cynthia | 2014 | violin |
Flint, Ivor Charles Leo | 2012 | composition, tenor |
Flood, Dr. David | 1996 | organ |
Fok, Charles | 2023 | piano |
Ford, Sandra | soprano | |
Ford, Trevor | 1989 | lecturer, promoter, accountant |
Foster, Sister Avril OP | bassoon | |
Foster, Chris | 2023 | voice |
Foster, Karen | 2008 | clarinet, management |
Foster, Thomas | 2018 | harpsichord |
Fox, Catherine | violin | |
Fox, Jacqueline | 1992 | voice |
Foxwell, Roger | 1990 | violin |
France, Adrian | 2015 | bass trombone |
Frances-Hoad, Dr. Cheryl | 2021 | composition |
Francis, Sarah | 1985 | oboe |
Francomb, Peter | 2025 | French horn |
Franks, Peter | 1998 | trumpet |
Fraser, Kaye | 2005 | piano |
Fraser, Robert | 2023 | tuba |
Frayling-Cork, Isobel | 1987 | harp |
Freeman-Attwood, Jonathan CBE | 2024 | principal |
Freyhan, Michael | 2003 | piano |
Fribbins, Peter | 2018 | composition |
Friend, Marion MBE | 2022 | oboe |
Frowde, Judi Merri | 2012 | soprano |
Frowde, Rufus | 2003 | conducting |
Fry, Peter | 2002 | percussion, timpani |
Fry, Peter J | 2018 | double bass |
Fuest, David | 2019 | clarinet |
Fullbrook, Ben | 2019 | timpani, percussion |
Fulleylove, Miranda | 1996 | violin |
Funatsu, Takane | 2015 | violin |
Gale, Christopher | 2017 | bassoon |
Gale, Gwendoline | 2000 | violin |
Gale, Jacoba | 2017 | viola |
Gale, Jocelyn | 1982 | cello |
Galeone, Pierrette | 1958 | violin |
Garland, Roger | 1998 | violin |
Garvey, Patrick | 2014 | French horn |
Gascoine, Alex | 1997 | violin |
Gay, Simon | 2004 | countertenor |
Gee, Jonny | 2019 | double bass |
Geidt, James | 2022 | voice |
George, Michael | 1987 | voice |
Gerald, Ruth | 1984 | |
Gibbons, John | 2022 | conducting |
Gibbs, Charles | 2019 | voice |
Gibbs, Michael | 2000 | trombone, composition, orchestration |
Gilchrist, James | 2019 | tenor |
Giles, Alison | 2019 | management |
Giles, Cathy | 1992 | cello |
Gilhooly, John CBE | 2019 | administration |
Gillard, Janice ARAM | 2004 | violin |
Gillespie, Russell | 2013 | flute |
Gilmour, Russell | 2017 | natural trumpet |
Girling, Phil | 2018 | percussion |
Glasson, Katherine | 2007 | voice |
Glen, Nessa | 2015 | musicology, composition, publishing, piano, keyboards, bassoon |
Glennie, Dame Evelyn CH DBE | 1996 | percussion |
Glover, Anne | 2019 | oboe, cor anglais |
Gobey, Paul | 1993 | organ |
Goff, Morgan | 2009 | viola |
Gold, Idit | guitar | |
Goldthorpe, Michael | 1999 | voice |
Gomes Silva, Pedro | 2023 | cello |
Gomm, Jane | 1988 | violin |
Gonella, David | 2005 | percussion |
Good, Timothy | 1980 | violin |
Goodman, Chris | 2024 | clarinet |
Goodman, Dr. Roy | 1983 | keyboards, violin, organ, orchestral conducting |
Goodwin, Celia | 2024 | violin |
Gordon, Fraser | 2018 | bassoon |
Gordon, Jeremy | 1987 | double bass |
Gordon-Shute, David | 2018 | tuba |
Gore, Judith | 2022 | piano |
Goss, Adrian | 2019 | tenor |
Gosta, Predrag | 2023 | harpsichord, voice, conducting |
Gough, Caroline | 2019 | cello |
Gough, Christopher | 2021 | French horn |
Gough, Jeremy | 1994 | trombone |
Gough, Matt | 2022 | trumpet |
Gould, Thomas | 2019 | violin |
Graham, Joan | 1985 | oboe |
Graham, Julia | 2002 | cello |
Grange, Dr. Susan | 2001 | piano, voice |
Granger, Emma | 2018 | harp |
Grant, Fiona MBE | 2011 | administration |
Grant, Timothy | 2017 | viola |
Grant-Thompson, Yolanda | 2018 | voice |
Gray, Gillian | 1999 | piano |
Gray, Linda Esther | 2018 | voice |
Grayson, Hannah | 2020 | flute |
Grealy, Siobhan | 2015 | flute |
Greaves, Hilary | 1989 | violin |
Green, Alison | 1997 | bassoon |
Green, Gillian MBE | 2001 | festival director |
Green, Malcolm | 1984 | clarinet |
Greenburgh, Joan | 2013 | piano |
Greenwood, Shirley Ann | 2004 | piano, organ |
Gregson, Barry | 2001 | clarinet |
Grier, Paul | 2004 | voice |
Griffin, Jonathan | 2000 | violin |
Griffiths, David | 2015 | piano |
Gritten, Dr. Anthony | 2021 | organ, performance studies, musicology |
Groome, Nigel | 2009 | organ, director of music |
Groves, Sally MBE | 2014 | publishing |
Grubb, David | 1998 | |
Guard, Sebastian | 2019 | percussion |
Gunnell, Tim | 2019 | timpani, percussion |
Guthrie, Richard | 2000 | viola |
Gutteridge, Mark | 2002 | |
Gwilym-Jones, Martin | 2018 | violin |
Habershon, Edmund | 2024 | trumpet |
Habgood, Gillian | 1983 | violin |
Haitink, Patricia | 2017 | |
Hale, Brian | 1986 | violin |
Hall, Alice | 2019 | violin |
Hall, Alison | 2000 | clarinet |
Hall, Emily | 2017 | violin |
Halsey, Louis | 2003 | conducting |
Halstead, Anthony | 2004 | French horn |
Ham, Kate | 2025 | harp |
Hambleton, Alexander | 2022 | horn |
Hambleton, Hale | 1973 | clarinet |
Hambleton, Tristan | 2013 | voice |
Hambleton-Smith, Sandra | 1991 | guitar |
Hamilton, Jennifer | 2017 | voice |
Hamilton, Timothy | 2022 | voice, composition |
Hammond, Dr. Clare | 2017 | piano |
Hammond, Mary | 1980 | voice |
Hammond, Dr. Philip | 1996 | piano, composition |
Hammond, Rebecca | 2022 | bassoon |
Hancock, Johnathan | 2017 | |
Hancox, Ben | 2009 | violin |
Hancox, Prof. Grenville MBE | 2017 | Professor of music and wellbeing |
Hancox, Thomas | 2016 | flute |
Hankin, Chris | 2019 | flute |
Harding, Caroline | 2019 | double bass |
Harding, Christopher | 2013 | flute |
Hardy, Darren | 2014 | flute |
Hardy, John | 1977 | trumpet |
Hardy, John E R | 2001 | composition |
Hare, Lucy | 2021 | double bass |
Harle, Prof. John OBE | 1994 | saxophone, composition, audio production, academia |
Harling, Esther | 2018 | viola |
Harling, Keith | 2016 | double bass |
Harper, Andrew | 2025 | clarinet |
Harpham, James | 1980 | composition, conducting, piano, recorders, percussion, keyboards |
Harradine, Greg | 2017 | piano, composition |
Harrild, Victoria | 2020 | cello |
Harris, Harold | 2015 | cello |
Harris, Llywela | 1993 | |
Harris, Michael | 1998 | clarinet |
Harris, Paul | 1983 | clarinet |
Harris, Ronald | 1991 | French horn |
Harrison, Caroline | 2024 | viola |
Harrison, Clifton | 2023 | viola |
Harrison, Nathaniel | 2015 | bassoon |
Harrison, Pete | 2024 | conducting, bassoon |
Harrod, John | 1994 | timpani, percussion |
Harrold, Shaun | 1997 | trumpet |
Harry, Dr. Edward-Rhys | choral conducting, composition | |
Hart, George | 2017 | drums |
Hart, Michael | 1982 | double bass |
Hartley, Richard | 1985 | composition |
Hartt-Palmer, Mark | 2023 | recording company director |
Harvey, Graham | 2024 | trombone |
Harvey, Paul | 1992 | clarinet, saxophone |
Harvey, Peter | 1997 | voice |
Harvey, Peter | 2017 | bass trombone |
Harwood-White, Rachel | 2018 | oboe |
Haslam, Sharon | 1998 | violin |
Hatchard, Mike | 2012 | piano, violin, harmonica, clarinet |
Hatcher, David | 2019 | viola da gamba, baroque cello |
Hawley, Joy | 2019 | cello |
Haworth, Philip | 2025 | oboe |
Hay, William | 2023 | guitar |
Hayhurst, Alison | 2011 | flute |
Haysted, Ian | 2004 | clarinet, saxophone |
Heason, Richard | 2017 | conducting, concert hall director |
Heft, David | 1980 | piano |
Heighway, John RVM | 1997 | voice, musicology |
Heine, Vanessa | 2019 | voice |
Heller, Katie | 2020 | viola |
Henckel, Angela | 2001 | voice |
Henderson, Forbes | 2004 | guitar |
Henderson, Prof. Gavin CBE | 1996 | trumpet, orchestral management |
Henderson, Malcolm Rivers | 2001 | viola |
Henderson, Stephen | 1986 | timpani, percussion |
Hendy, Tim | 2014 | piano |
Henning, Audrey | 2019 | viola |
Herbert, Ian | 1968 | clarinet |
Herbert, Prof. Trevor | 1989 | trombone, musicology |
Heron, Elin | 2024 | piano |
Hesketh, Elizabeth | 2005 | bassoon |
Hetherington, Finlay | 2019 | trumpet |
Hewitt, Miles | 2023 | horn |
Hewitt, Peter | 1990 | voice, music charity CEO |
Hewitt-Jones, Thomas | 2022 | composer |
Hewitt-Jones, Tim | 1983 | cello |
Hext, Michael | 2005 | trombone |
Heyes, Richard | 1989 | piano |
Heyman, Philip | 1998 | viola |
Heywood, Brian | 2012 | electric guitar |
Higginbottom, Prof. Emeritus Edward | 1997 | conducting |
Higgins, Craig | 2023 | voice |
Higgins, Michael | 2024 | piano, composition |
Higgins, Thomas | 1977 | conducting, composition |
Higgs, Robert | 2005 | violin |
Higham, Fiona | violin | |
Hill, Derek | 2019 | double bass |
Hill, Jonathan | 2013 | violin |
Hill, Kate | 2004 | flute |
Hill, Rebecca | 2014 | French horn |
Hill, Robert | 1983 | clarinet |
Hills, Lt. Col. P E | 1998 | |
Hilton, Edward | 2023 | bass trombone |
Hilton, Janet FRCM FRBC | 2022 | clarinet |
Hinnigan, Tony | 2011 | cello, charango, quena, panpipes, whistle |
Hinson, Nadia | 1996 | violin, piano |
Hinson, Nigel | 1995 | clarinet |
Hinson, Sophie | 2024 | violin |
Hirschman, David | 2010 | |
Hiscocks, Wendy | 2025 | piano, composition |
Hissey, David | 1994 | trombone |
Ho, Dr. Wai-On (aka Anne-Kay Lin) | 1996 | piano, composition |
Hobart, Ted | 2017 | trumpet |
Hobbs, Liza | 2017 | voice |
Hockings, David | percussion | |
Hodgkins, Chris | 2020 | trumpet |
Hodgson, Ivor | 1982 | double bass |
Hoeg, Michael MBE | 2001 | organ |
Hoffnung, Benedict | 1995 | timpani |
Holden, Prof. Raymond AM | 1986 | conducting |
Holden, Ruth | 2017 | harp |
Holding, Sian | 2019 | violin |
Holland, Nicky | 2018 | oboe |
Hollingum, David | 2020 | oboe |
Hollis, Judy | 1985 | violin |
Holloway, Tracy | trombone | |
Holmes, David John | 2020 | drums, percussion |
Holmes, Richard Dr | 1990 | cello |
Holmes, Tim | 2011 | saxophone |
Holt, John | 2007 | double bass |
Holter, Margaret | 2017 | violin |
Hooper, David | 2019 | trumpet |
Hope, Ian | 2007 | |
Hope, Peter | 1967 | composition, arranging |
Hopkins Civil, Shirley | 2016 | French horn, Wagner tuba |
Hore, Philip | 1997 | tuba |
Horler, John | 2008 | piano |
Horner, Christopher | 2024 | violin |
Horowitz, Alexander Dr | 2023 | composition, audio director |
Horton, Peter | 1988 | librarian |
Hosford, Elizabeth | 2010 | double bass |
Hoskins, Clare | 2005 | oboe, cor anglais |
Houghton, Anthony | 2003 | clarinet |
Hoult, David | 1996 | bass |
Howard, Clive | 2019 | viola |
Howard, Gaynor | 2001 | composition |
Howard, Jonathan | 2011 | voice |
Howard, Prof. Leslie | 2024 | piano |
Howe, Alan | 2002 | publishing |
Howe, Hayley | 2019 | violin |
Howells, Dawn Elizabeth | 1989 | piano |
Howes, Robert | 1979 | |
Hubble, Ann | 2006 | violin |
Huber, Matthew | 2023 | |
Hudson, Gareth | 2021 | conducting, artistic director |
Hudson, Paul | 2023 | guitar, musical instrument technology |
Hughes, Benjamin | 2016 | cello |
Hughes, Bob | 2016 | trombone |
Hughes, Georgiana | 2019 | flute |
Hughes, Gillian | 2001 | clarinet |
Hughes, Trevor | 2001 | organ |
Hull, Peter | 1992 | saxophone, clarinet, flute |
Hulse, Gareth | 1985 | oboe |
Human, John | 2023 | piano |
Hume, Alastair | 1989 | voice |
Humphrey, Graeme | 1984 | piano |
Humphreys, Kyra | 1998 | violin |
Humphrys, Sarah | 2015 | baroque oboe, recorder |
Hungate, Louisa | 2017 | publishing |
Hurn, Christopher | 1993 | cello |
Hurrell, Martin | 2024 | trumpet |
Hurton, Amanda | 2022 | piano |
Hurwitz, Raphael | fine instrument dealer | |
Hutchings, Kyle | 2023 | piano |
Hutchins, John | 2004 | trumpet, conservatoire junior department director |
Hutchinson, Jamie | 2017 | violin |
Hutton, Stuart | 2024 | guitar, voice |
Hyde-Smith, Abi | 2024 | cello |
Hynes, Jacquelyn | 2012 | flute |
Ife, Prof. Sir Barry CBE | 2017 | keyboard |
Iles, Nikki | 2025 | piano |
Ingham, Richard | 2021 | saxophone |
Ingleton, Rachel | 2019 | oboe |
Inglis, Anthony | 2023 | music director, conducting |
Ingman, Nick | 2000 | piano |
Ireson, Nicholas | 2019 | French horn |
Irwin, Cecil | 1991 | teacher |
Irwin, Geoffrey | 2018 | viola |
Isaacs, Peter | 1997 | violin |
Isley, Maxwell | 2024 | trombone |
Isserlis, Annette | 1984 | viola |
Iveson, John | 1985 | |
Jack, Adrian | 1996 | composition |
Jackman, Jeremy | 1989 | conducting, composition, arranging |
Jackman, Patrick | 2012 | bass trombone |
Jackson, Carl MVO | 1996 | organ |
Jackson, Garfield | 2018 | viola |
Jackson, Sally | ||
Jackson, Simon | 2019 | violin |
Jackson-Cox, Stewart | 2015 | drums, percussion |
Jacobson, Julian | 2023 | piano |
Jalil, Zami | 2020 | viola |
James, Eirian | 2001 | mezzo-soprano |
James, Dr. Jonathan BEM | 2024 | piano |
James, Stuart | 2018 | violin |
Jay, Cameron | 2023 | trumpet |
Jeffries, Ty | 2016 | piano, composition, lyricist, entertainer |
Jellard, Frances | 2019 | voice |
Jenkins, Dan | 2009 | trombone |
Jenkins, Philip | 1984 | piano |
Jenner-Timms, Carole | 2013 | flute |
Jennings, Anne ‘Fiz’ | 2005 | viola |
Jennings, Eric | 2005 | trombone |
Jennings, Robert L | 1997 | violin |
Johns, Patrick | 2018 | trombone |
Johns, Terry | 1998 | horn, composition, author, conducting |
Johnson, Adam | 2013 | piano, composition, conducting |
Johnson, Clare (Cushing) | 1997 | oboe |
Johnson, Prof. Graham OBE | 1996 | piano, musicology |
Johnson, Jacqueline | 2017 | cello |
Jolliffe, Edmund | 2018 | composition |
Jones, Christian | 2021 | bass-baritone |
Jones, Harold | 1991 | lecturer, conservatoire junior department director |
Jones, Hilary | 2019 | cello |
Jones, Ilid | 2020 | oboe |
Jones, John Vernon | 2006 | French horn |
Jones, Josephine | 2009 | piano |
Jones, Karen | 2003 | flute |
Jones, Martyn | 1981 | violin |
Jones, Robert | 1997 | piano, organ, choral director |
Jones, Rona | 2001 | piano |
Jones, Rosalind | 2004 | piano |
Jones, Sara | 2023 | viola |
Jones, Dr. Simon | 2021 | performance, academia, research, teaching |
Jones, Tim | 1987 | voice |
Jones, Dr. Ursula OBE | 2001 | management |
Joyce, Laurence | 1983 | flute |
Judson, Ian | 2002 | flute |
Kahan, Jonathan | 2002 | violin |
Kampen, Anthony van | 1987 | double bass, historical strings, harpsichord, arranging, composition |
Kay, Alison BEM | 2018 | viola |
Kaznowski, Sarah | 2023 | cello |
Keatley, Niall | 2022 | trumpet |
Keetch, Maureen | 1991 | voice |
Kegg, Paul | 1992 | cello |
Kellett, Colin | 1996 | oboe, cor anglais |
Kelly, Jean | 2010 | harp |
Kemp, Gary | 2024 | guitar |
Kemp, Nicola-Jane | 2020 | voice |
Kemp, Thomas | 2018 | violin, conducting |
Kennard, Julie | 2001 | soprano |
Kennard, Robin | 1992 | bassoon |
Kent, Cheyney | 2015 | voice |
Keogh, Miriam | 2005 | harp |
Keogh, Steven | 1990 | trumpet |
Keohone, Paul | 1999 | voice |
Ketch, Joshua | drums | |
Ketteringham, Charles | 1994 | quinton |
Kimberley, Jane | 2024 | flute |
King, Dr. Carolyn | 2004 | oboe |
King, Deborah | 2014 | clarinet, makaton tutor |
King, Nicholas | 1987 | organ, consultancy |
King, Steve MBE | 2005 | viola |
King, Vanessa | 2024 | French horn |
Kirkby, Dame Emma DBE | 2017 | soprano |
Kitchen, John | 1985 | violin |
Kitchen, Linda | 2022 | voice, opera director |
Kitteringham, Matthew | 2022 | bassoon |
Klirova, Veronika | 2022 | flute |
Knapp, Alexander | 1984 | piano, theory, musicology |
Knief, Helen | viola | |
Knight, Annabel | 2017 | recorder, flute |
Knight, Janice | 1992 | oboe |
Knowles, Greg | 1991 | percussion, cimbalon, composition |
Knowles, Martin | 2014 | tuba |
Knussen, Kenneth | 2012 | double bass |
Kodurand, Simon | 2025 | violin |
Konii, Eri | 2022 | violin |
Koos, Joely | 2023 | cello |
Koren, Tally | voice | |
Korfker, Iris | 2024 | voice |
Kostecki, Zofia | 2005 | violin |
Lacey, Christopher | 1991 | flute |
Lacey, Mark | 1990 | clarinet |
Laird, Michael | 1994 | trumpet |
Lake, Leslie | 2001 | bass trombone, conducting |
Lallemant, Oliver | 2022 | organ, piano |
Lamb, Anthony | 2001 | clarinet |
Lander, Joanna | 1997 | cello |
Lang-Colmer, Claudia | double bass | |
Langfield, Dr. Valerie | 2004 | piano, composition |
Langridge, Anita | ||
Laskova, Ksenija | 2024 | piano |
Larsen, Rebecca | 2019 | flute |
Larsson, Janet | 2019 | flute |
Lasserson, Nadia | 1990 | piano |
Latham, Louise | 2013 | violin |
Latham, Rachel | 2011 | |
Laurence, Chris | 1983 | double bass |
Laurence, Patrick | 1982 | double bass |
Law, Anne | 2023 | oboe |
Law, Cheryl | 2016 | viola |
Law, Sheila | 2018 | violin |
Lawrence, Richard | 1996 | lecturer, critic |
Laws, Ian | 1994 | guitar |
Lawson, Gordon | 1993 | piano, choral conducting, composition |
Lawson, Mhairi | 2007 | voice |
Lawson-Johnson, Michael | 2017 | music therapy charity director |
Lax, Janet | 1999 | voice |
Layzell, Martin | 2016 | drums |
le Fleming, Antony | 2004 | composition |
Lea-Cox, Peter | 1984 | organ |
Leah, Philip | 1983 | flute, sound healer |
Leathem, Peter OBE | 2020 | music licensing and royalties administration |
Lee, Adrian | creative director | |
Lee, Crissy | 2015 | drum kit |
Lee, David | 2013 | French horn |
Leeman, Kevin | 1991 | piano, music theatre management |
Leeming, Jamie | 2020 | guitar |
Lees, Tom | 2019 | trombone, sackbut |
Lefanu, Prof. Nicola | 1996 | composition |
Leith, Dr. Mary-Jannet | 2024 | recorder |
Lenehan, John | 2014 | piano, composition |
Lenton-Ward, Caroline | 1991 | voice |
Leonard, Kieran | 2019 | percussion, timpani, kit, bodhrán |
Lester, Harold | 1982 | piano, organ, harpsichord |
Levine, Adrian | 2007 | violin |
Levitt, Steven | 2025 | piano |
Lewis, Bryn | 2018 | harp |
Lewis, Richard | 1995 | double bass |
Lewis, Richard MVO | 2002 | tenor |
Lichtenstein, Babette | 2004 | cello |
Little, Prof. Jonathan | 2024 | composition, musicologist |
Lipovsek, Natasa | piano | |
Lisney, James | 2023 | piano |
Lister, Jane | 1991 | harp |
Lively, Josephine | 1994 | oboe |
Lloyd, Hugh | 2023 | administration |
Lloyd, Mike | 2020 | trombone |
Lloyd, Prudence | 2004 | voice |
Lloyd-Davies, Elizabeth | 2008 | violin, concerts management |
Lloyd-Wilson, Josephine | 2015 | violin, voice, composition, sound engineer |
Lockhart, Katie | 2015 | clarinet |
Lockhart, William | 1997 | timpani, percussion |
Logan, Alistair | clarinet | |
Logan, Kirstie | 2016 | oboe |
Logie, Nicholas | 1998 | viola |
Loresch, Natalia | 2025 | piano |
Lovell-Jones, Simon | 2001 | conducting |
Low, Becky | 2019 | viola |
Lowbury, Miriam | 2019 | cello |
Lowe, Barnaby | 2024 | trumpet |
Lowther, Henry FRAM | 2008 | trumpet |
Lucas, Andrew | 2021 | organ, choral conducting |
Lundberg, Rosemary | 1993 | viola |
Lydbrook, Phoebe | 2019 | violin |
Lyne, Richard | 1986 | organ, choral conducting |
Lyon, David | 1994 | violin, viola |
Lyons, Harold | 2004 | musical director, violin |
Lyons, Sean | 2023 | guitar |
Lyons, William | 2019 | historical woodwind, composition |
Maas, Ottoline | 2000 | violin |
Macdonald, Anne | 2020 | violin |
Macey, Henry | 1988 | organ |
Macintosh, Adrian | 2010 | drums, percussion |
MacIntyre, Stuart | 1997 | baritone |
Mackenzie, Lennox OBE | 2010 | violin |
Mackenzie, Sandy | 2012 | cello |
Mackie, David | 1988 | piano, organ |
Mackie, Dr. Neil CBE | 1995 | voice |
Mackinnon, Iain | 2003 | violin |
Mackintosh, Catherine | 2002 | violin |
Mahrenholz, Stella (née Wilkinson) | 2003 | viola |
Mair, Stephen | 2010 | double bass |
Malcolm, Nicholas | 2025 | trumpet |
Malcolm, Sarah | 2018 | viola |
Malsbury, Angela | 1999 | clarinet |
Mammen, Joy | 1986 | voice |
Manji, Sirishkumar | 2024 | tabla, percussion |
Manners, David | 2001 | |
Manning, Judy | 2018 | viola |
Manning, Rita | 2007 | violin |
Manning, Dr. Robert | 1988 | organ, academia |
Mansfield, Oliver | 2023 | cello |
Manson, Jonathan | 2008 | cello, viola da gamba |
Mantle, Neil MBE | 1996 | French horn, conducting |
Marcenaro, Odilon | 2022 | composition, music technology |
Marcou, David | 1990 | violin, management |
Marino, Charlotte Alexandra | 2022 | clarinet |
Marjoram, Keith | 1968 | double bass |
Marriner, Andrew | 2004 | clarinet |
Marsden, Daniel | 2017 | trumpet |
Marsden Thomas, Anne MBE | 2016 | organ |
Marsh, Joanna | 2017 | flute |
Marshall, Keith | 2017 | oboe, conducting |
Marten, Jonathan | 1984 | organ, piano, conducting |
Martin, Anne | 2003 | violin |
Martin, Bruce | 2020 | flute, piccolo |
Marwood, Caroline | 1987 | oboe |
Maslin, Robert | 2015 | bass trombone |
Mason, Ashley | 1991 | viola |
Mason, Nigel | 1997 | violin |
Massey, Dr. Roy MBE | 1990 | organ |
Masterson, Valerie CBE | 2019 | voice |
Mather, Sophie | 2018 | violin |
Matthews, Colin OBE | 1996 | composition |
Matthews, Dr. David | 2013 | composition |
Matthews, Glyn | 2008 | percussion |
Maunder, Peter | 1970 | |
Mavris, Sydney | 2023 | |
Mawson, Annie MBE | 2004 | harp, voice, music therapy charity CEO |
Max, Robert | 2014 | cello, conducting |
Max, Wendy | 2016 | cello |
Maxwell, Melinda | 1999 | oboe |
May, Elizabeth | 2020 | flute |
McAllister, Kenneth | clarinet, conducting | |
McAneney, Elizabeth Anne | 2018 | trumpet |
McCaldin, Clare | 2017 | mezzo-soprano |
McCarthy, Peter | 1997 | viol |
McCracken, Stella | 1997 | oboe |
McCreadie, David | 2000 | viola |
McCusker, Kelly | 2001 | violin |
McDowall, Cecilia | 2001 | composition |
McEwan-Brown, Roy OBE | 1998 | orchestra CEO |
McGillivray, Alison | 2001 | cello |
McGlasson, Andy | 2011 | drums |
McGonigal, Dominic | 1992 | composition |
McGuire, Colin JP | 1974 | clarinet |
McIlwham, Stewart | 2019 | flute, piccolo |
McKee, Dr. Joe OBE | 2000 | organ, adjudicator |
McLaren, Linda | 1985 | violin |
McLaren, Lorna | 1997 | violin |
McLaren, Neil | 2001 | flute |
McLauchlan, Ian | 2005 | flute, flute repairs |
McLaurin, Estie | 2023 | violin, voice |
McLeod, Jim | 1994 | violin |
McMenemy, Michael | 1981 | violin |
McMillan, Malcolm | 2004 | clarinet |
McMullin, Marguerite | 2024 | flute |
McNaughton, Gavin | 2002 | bassoon |
McPhee, Dr. George MBE | 2019 | organ |
Meaden, Philip | 1994 | |
Meehan, Delia | 2000 | oboe |
Meehan-Staines, Adam | ||
Meek, Brenda | 2019 | voice |
Meldrum, Charlotte | ||
Mellor, David | 1997 | piano |
Menon, Dr. Arun | 2020 | viola |
Mera-Nelson, Dr. Claire | 2004 | public funding |
Merry, Peter | 2005 | French horn |
Messiter, Christine Marian | 2022 | flute |
Metcalf, John MBE | 2001 | composition, festival director |
Metcalfe, Jane | 2013 | voice |
Meyer, Daniel | 2015 | violin |
Meynell, Eleanor | 2024 | piano, voice |
Mileham, Sue | 2009 | soprano |
Miller, Amos | 2019 | trombone |
Miller, Bruce | 2022 | conducting |
Miller, David | 2008 | lute, theorbo |
Miller, Elaine | 1983 | violin |
Miller, John | 1983 | trumpet |
Miller, Dr. Malcolm | 1989 | piano, musicology |
Miller, Paul | 1996 | double bass |
Miller, Stacey-Ann | 2007 | double bass |
Milne, Triona | 2018 | viola |
Minton, Tara | 2024 | harp, voice |
Minton, Yvonne CBE | 2001 | voice |
Mitchell, Andrew | 1987 | trumpet |
Mitchell, Antoine Philip | 1993 | piano, conducting, composition |
Mitchell, Ian | 2019 | clarinet |
Mitchell, Judith | 1990 | cello |
Mitchell, Prof. Madeleine | 2024 | violin |
Mitchell, Robert | 1997 | double bass |
Mogridge, Jessica | 2020 | oboe, cor anglais |
Molins, Ignacio | 2022 | percussion |
Molins, Ruth | 2022 | trombone |
Monberg, Ursula Pauludan | 2020 | French horn |
Moncrieff-Kelly, Alison | 2011 | cello |
Montgomery, Bob | 1993 | |
Monument, Julie | 2024 | violin |
Moody, Howard | 2021 | keyboard, composition |
Moore, Angela | 1991 | harp |
Moore, Dominic | 2017 | violin |
Morgan, Darragh | 2007 | violin |
Morgan, Hannah | 2022 | clarinet, saxophone |
Morgan, H Paul | 2003 | double bass, bass guitar |
Morgan, Kevin | 2019 | tuba, cimbasso |
Morris, Andrew | 1996 | organ, conducting, academia |
Morris, Hugh | 2021 | administration, organ, conducting |
Morris, Patricia | 2019 | flute, piccolo |
Morris, Richard | 2006 | voice, education administration |
Morrison, Fergus | 1987 | clarinet |
Morse-Glover, Camilla | 2019 | baroque cello |
Morton, William | 1966 | flute, piccolo, Alexander Technique teacher |
Moseley, Robert | 2023 | trombone |
Moses, David | 2012 | double bass (jazz), recorder, composer |
Mulhern, Stephen Gerard | 2020 | violin |
Mulligan, Hazel | 2010 | violin |
Muncey-Dyer, Stephanie | 2019 | trombones, sackbuts |
Munn, Julia | 2006 | clarinet |
Munro, Glenn MBE | 2024 | trumpet |
Murphy, John | viola | |
Murphy, Kim | 2017 | bassoon, contrabassoon |
Murphy, Sylvia | piano, flute | |
Murray, Barbara | 1987 | piano |
Musker, Kate | 2003 | viola |
Mutter, Charles | 2019 | violin |
Mutter, James | 1998 | viola |
Myerscough, Nadia | 2001 | violin |
Nagioff, Loraine | 1982 | cello |
Nash, Deborah | 2019 | piano |
Neil, Elizabeth-Anne | 2005 | violin |
Neilson, Helen | 2022 | cello, double bass |
Nethsingha, Andrew | 2021 | conducting |
Nettle, Terry | 2017 | viola |
New, Nicola | 2019 | French horn |
Newbold, Sarah | 2017 | flute |
Newnham, Caryll | 2002 | teacher, voice |
Newson, Gerald | 2006 | double bass |
Newton, Dr. Rodney | 2019 | composition, arranging |
Ngwe, Uchenna | 2017 | oboe, cor anglais |
Njuguna, Michael | 2024 | sound engineer |
Norbury, Martin | 1998 | euphonium, administration |
Norman, Jane | 2017 | violin, viola |
Norris, Robert T | 1983 | cello |
Norris, Thomas | 2018 | violin |
Norton, Julia | 2020 | violin |
Notariello, Antonietta | 1984 | piano |
Novais, António | 2019 | cello |
Oakes, Carole | 2003 | piano |
Obsust, Viktor | 2011 | double bass |
O’Dell, Ellen | 2004 | violin |
O’Donnell, Lawrence | 2018 | bassoon |
Ogonovsky, Margaret | 1975 | flute |
Ogonovsky, Michael | 1978 | French horn |
Ohlendorf, Rick | 1996 | piano technician and tuner |
O’Kane, Brian | 2013 | cello |
O’Leary, Jessica | 2008 | violin |
Oliver, Jane | 2014 | cello |
Oliver, Nicholas | 2000 | piano |
Olney, David | 1998 | double bass |
Olyver, Marianne | 2011 | violin |
O’Neill, Claire | 2015 | flute |
O’Neill, Dennis CBE | 2002 | tenor |
Onn, Patrick | 2010 | |
Openshaw, David MBE | 2004 | conducting |
Oram, James | 2023 | piano |
Orford, John | 1990 | bassoon |
Osborn, Michael | 2004 | percussion |
Osborn, Sarah | 2019 | professional association administration |
O’Sullivan, William | 2005 | trumpet |
Ovenell, Anthony | 2011 | flute |
Owen, John Gruffydd (Griff) | 2022 | viola |
Owen Norris, Prof. David | 2004 | piano, composition |
Oxer, Peter | 1998 | violin |
Pagan, Simon | 2022 | music education, guitar |
Page, Elizabeth | 1990 | recorder, viols |
Page, Neil | 1995 | organ |
Pamukcu, Cagri | 2024 | voice, guitar |
Panufnik, Roxanna | 2017 | composition |
Papa, Greta | violin | |
Papp, Jonathan | 2022 | piano |
Parfitt, Claire | 2018 | violin |
Parham-Connolly, Stephen | 1989 | voice |
Parkin, Geoff | ||
Parker, Elizabeth | 2018 | cello, piano |
Parmley, Sir Andrew | 1991 | organ, charity CEO |
Parr, Colin | 1967 | clarinet |
Parsons, Yvonne-Marie | 2017 | cello |
Partington, Adrian | 2024 | organ, conducting |
Partridge, Ian CBE | 1984 | tenor |
Partridge, Jennifer | 2000 | piano |
Partridge, Liz | 2013 | violin |
Paskins, Helen | 2022 | clarinet |
Patel, Bhavesh | 2023 | |
Paterson, Jean | 2001 | violin |
Patrick, David | 2004 | organ, piano |
Patrick, John | 1991 | piano, keyboards |
Patterson, Hazel | 2000 | voice, administration |
Pawlik, Pippa | 2020 | violin, viola |
Paxton, Linda | 2005 | piano |
Paxton, Tim | 2007 | cello |
Pay, Antony | 1980 | clarinet |
Payne, John | 2018 | clarinet |
Pearce, Alison | 2009 | soprano |
Pearson, Justin | 1990 | cello |
Pearson, Leslie | 2019 | piano |
Pendrill, Christine | 1983 | cor anglais |
Penfold, Jacqui | 1998 | viola |
Perkins, Julian | 2002 | harpsichord, musical director, conducting |
Perona-Wright, Nigel | 1986 | flute, bass |
Perrett, Danielle | 1998 | harp |
Perry, Ninian | 1999 | double bass |
Petrie, Iain | 2023 | bass, guitar |
Pettit, David | 1987 | piano, organ |
Petzal, Tom | 1994 | piano, funding |
Phillips, Jake | 2023 | violin |
Phillips, Wendy | 2001 | bassoon |
Philpot, Claire | 2019 | oboe |
Phoenix, Paul | 2011 | tenor |
Piatti, Polo | 2016 | piano, composition |
Pickering, Philip | 1987 | trumpet |
Picknett, Helen | 2018 | viola |
Pierce, Stephen | 2008 | clarinet |
Pigott, David | 2004 | French horn |
Pigott, Myra | 2003 | flute, piccolo |
Pigram, Elizabeth | 2018 | violin |
Pilbery, Mary | 2003 | |
Pinnock, Trevor CBE | 1978 | harpsichord, musical director, conducting |
Piras, Elena | 2023 | folk singer, multi-instrumentalist |
Place, Alison | 2003 | voice |
Plaistow, Stephen | 1996 | broadcaster |
Plant, Dr. Andrew | 2004 | piano, musicology, writer |
Pleeth, Anthony | 2022 | cello |
Politis, Constantine | 2023 | bouzouki |
Pollani, Ben | 2018 | viola |
Pool, Robert | 2018 | violin |
Poole, Peter | 1982 | violin |
Poole, Quentin | 2025 | oboe |
Pople, Peter | 2011 | violin |
Popov, Stanislav | 2018 | viola |
Porter, Lowri | 2022 | violin |
Porter, Michael | 2024 | drums |
Pott, Dr./Prof. Francis | 2021 | composition, piano |
Potts, Hugh | 2019 | French horn |
Power, Matthew | 2007 | writing, composition, accompaniment, organ |
Preece, Deborah | 2017 | violin |
Preece, Oliver | 2017 | trumpet |
Prescott, Raymond | 1964 | violin |
Price, Chereene | 2020 | violin |
Price, Janet | 2001 | soprano |
Price, Kevin | 2002 | trombone, head of music performance |
Price, Lorna Elizabeth | 2022 | mezzo-soprano |
Pritchard, Paul | 2018 | composition |
Protheroe, Anthony | 2019 | violin |
Pryce, Frances | 2019 | violin |
Pullen, Sabrina | 2022 | horn |
Pullin, Gordon | 1991 | tenor |
Purvis, Robert | 1999 | conducting |
Pye, Helen | 2018 | oboe |
Quiñones, Dr. Jessica | 2024 | flute |
Rae, James | 2004 | clarinet, composition |
Rahman, Sophia | 2010 | piano |
Rainey, Jane | 2019 | cello |
Randall, Anna | 2023 | voice |
Ranscombe, Martin | 2024 | drums |
Ranson-Thompson, Christine | 2019 | French horn |
Rathbone, Ian | 2019 | viola |
Ratliff, Maurice A | 1991 | harpsichord, organ, piano |
Ravenscroft, Timothy | 2004 | piano |
Rawson, Irmeli | 1977 | viola |
Rayfield, Harriet | 2018 | violin |
Reader, Nicholas | 1997 | contrabassoon |
Reder, Peter | 2004 | piano |
Rees-Williams, Jonathan | ||
Reeve, Howard | 2024 | bass guitar |
Reeve-Rawlings, Lauren | 2020 | French horn, Vienna horn |
Rennert, Jonathan | 2018 | organ |
Revell, Max | 2024 | drums |
Reynish, Timothy MBE | 1975 | conducting |
Rhys, Siwan | 2018 | piano |
Rhys-Evans, Tim MBE | 2022 | choral conducting |
Richards, Arne | 2005 | harpsichord |
Richards, John | 2000 | double bass, bass guitar |
Richards, Ruth Margaret | 2005 | voice |
Richardson, David | 1996 | trumpet, orchestral administartion |
Riches, Edgar | 2004 | trumpet |
Richmond, Claire | 2015 | composition |
Richmond, David | 2002 | violin |
Ricketts, Catherine | 2012 | double bass |
Rigby, Gordon | 2020 | timpani |
Riley, Gemma | 2023 | trombone |
Ripper, Peter | 1994 | saxophone |
Ritchie, Ian | 1991 | baritone, festival curating and artistic directing |
Ritterman, Dame Janet DBE | 1987 | piano, conservatoire vice-president |
Rix, David | 1992 | clarinet |
Roberts, Gavin | 2015 | piano |
Roberts, Julian | 2018 | bassoon |
Roberts, Elizabeth | 2023 | soprano |
Roberts, Megan | 2016 | trombone |
Roberts, Nicholas | 2015 | cello, chamber music |
Robertson, Ewan | 2004 | flute |
Robertson, Fiona | 2016 | viola |
Robinson, Alexandra | 2018 | cello |
Robinson, John N | 1998 | violin |
Robinson, Orphy MBE | 2022 | percussion |
Robson, Anthony | 1987 | oboe |
Rochelle, Ruth | 2024 | voice |
Roden, Anthony | 2000 | voice teacher, former opera/concert tenor |
Rodgers, Sarah | 1984 | composition, conducting |
Rodwell, Nicholas | 2011 | clarinet |
Roe, Betty MBE | 1995 | piano, composition |
Roe-Williams, Catherine | 2023 | piano |
Rogers, Lesley-Jane | 2017 | soprano |
Rogers, Lina Zilinskyte | 2019 | piano, harpsichord |
Rogerson, Benedict | 2013 | cello |
Rosewell, Michael | 1992 | conducting |
Ross, Andrew | 2020 | bass trombone |
Ross, Malcolm | 1998 | violin |
Ross, Nicholas | 1998 | clarinet |
Roberts, Elizabeth | 2023 | soprano |
Roberts, Megan | 2016 | trombone |
Roberts, Nicholas | 2015 | cello, chamber music |
Robertson, Ewan | 2004 | flute |
Robertson, Fiona | 2016 | viola |
Robinson, Alexandra | 2018 | cello |
Robinson, John N | 1998 | violin |
Robinson, Orphy MBE | 2022 | percussion |
Robson, Anthony | 1987 | oboe |
Rochelle, Ruth | 2024 | voice |
Roden, Anthony | 2000 | voice teacher, former opera/concert tenor |
Rodgers, Sarah | 1984 | composition, conducting |
Rodwell, Nicholas | 2011 | clarinet |
Roe, Betty MBE | 1995 | piano, composition |
Roe-Williams, Catherine | 2023 | piano |
Rogers, Lesley-Jane | 2017 | soprano |
Rogers, Lina Zilinskyte | 2019 | piano, harpsichord |
Rogerson, Benedict | 2013 | cello |
Rosewell, Michael | 1992 | conducting |
Ross, Andrew | 2020 | bass trombone |
Ross, Malcolm | 1998 | violin |
Ross, Nicholas | 1998 | clarinet |
Rostron, Roger | 1995 | |
Rostron, Ruth | 2001 | |
Rowe, John Edward | 2017 | voice, guitar |
Rowe, Dr. Victoria GRSM, MA, PhD | 2022 | piano |
Rowland, William | ||
Rowlands, Helen | 2003 | double bass |
Rowlands, Maxim | 1993 | piano |
Roxburgh, Neil | 1997 | piano |
Ruddock, Gerry | 2012 | trumpet |
Ruhemann, Ileana | 2019 | flute |
Rushton, Prof. Julian | 1996 | university teacher |
Russell, Lucy | 2021 | violin |
Russell, William | 2022 | trumpet |
Russill, Prof. Patrick | 2020 | choral conducting, organ |
Rutland, Louis | 1993 | violin |
Sachania, Dr. Millan | 2013 | piano, music scholar |
Sadie, Dr. Julie Anne | 1996 | cello, musicology |
Sadler, Ian | 2003 | organ |
Saint, Prof. David | 2024 | organ |
Salmins, Ralph | 2001 | drums |
Salmon, Jane | 2014 | cello |
Salvage, Graham | 2004 | bassoon |
Salvage, Yi Xin | 2004 | double bass |
Samek, Victoria | 2008 | clarinet, saxophone |
Sampson, Carolyn OBE | 2024 | voice |
Sampson, John | 2016 | trumpet, recorder |
Samuel, Nick | 2024 | saxophone, composition |
Sanders-Hewett, Helen | 2022 | viola |
Sanderson, Helen | 2021 | guitar |
Sands, John | 1992 | saxophone |
Sangiorgio, Victor | 1996 | piano |
Sansom, Marilyn | 1987 | cello |
Sargeant, Nancy | 2004 | oboe |
Savage, Patrick | 2022 | violin |
Saxton, Prof. Robert | 1998 | composition, lecturer |
Saye, Ruth (Mrs Macdonald) | 2007 | soprano |
Sayer, Anthony | 1997 | cello |
Sayers, Lenny | 2021 | clarinet, bass clarinet |
Scahill, Alistair | 2018 | viola |
Scaife, Dr. Nigel | 2015 | piano |
Scard, Dennis | 1983 | French horn |
Schellhorn, Matthew | 2020 | piano |
Schiele, Brian | 1997 | viola |
Schiller, Allan BEM | 1988 | piano |
Schlapp, Jan | 2020 | viola |
Scott, Anneke | 2014 | French horn |
Scott, Ian | 1993 | clarinet |
Scott, Margaret | 2003 | piano, choir director, teacher, conducting |
Scott, Phillip | 1984 | conducting |
Scully, Mary | 2002 | double bass |
Secret, Robert | 1984 | viola, conducting |
Sedgwick, Prunella | 1989 | violin |
Senior, Matthew | drums | |
Seeley, Dr. Paul | 1992 | piano |
Sellschop, Ingrid | 1992 | violin |
Sewell, Brian | 1999 | bassoon |
Shaddock, John | ||
Shaddock, Ruth | ||
Shade, Peter | 1986 | piano, composition |
Shannon, Randall | 2020 | arts management |
Sharman, Katherine | 1994 | cello |
Sharp, Helen | 2011 | |
Shave, Jacqueline | 2024 | violin |
Shaw, Joanna | 2019 | flute |
Shaw, Sandie MBE | 1997 | voice, songwriting |
Shaw-Cotterill, Bimbi | 2007 | voice |
Shearman, Amanda | 2019 | cello |
Sheen, Colin | 2023 | trombone |
Sheen, Graham | 2019 | bassoon |
Sheldon, Glen | 2019 | violin |
Shellard, Alan | 2015 | clarinet |
Sheppard, Susan | 2006 | cello |
Sherman, Paul | 2011 | double bass |
Sherry, Rachel | voice | |
Shilling, Lindsay | 2017 | trombone |
Sibley, John | 2019 | trombone |
Simms, Rachel | 2020 | bassoon, contrabassoon |
Simpson, Erica M C | 2010 | cello |
Simpson, Lilian | 2002 | percussion |
Simpson, Morag | 2023 | music director |
Sinclair, Alastair | 1997 | bass trombone |
Singer, Malcolm | 1998 | composition |
Singleton, Wing Commander. Gil | 2024 | percussion, organ, conducting |
Skinner, Miriam | 2022 | cello |
Skinner, Richard | 2007 | bassoon |
Slack, Frank | 1995 | clarinet |
Slack, John | 2019 | clarinet |
Slater, Ruth | 2023 | violin |
Slatford, Rodney OBE | 1970 | double bass |
Sleigh, James | 2020 | viola |
Smart, Catherine | 2004 | violin |
Smietana, Alicja | 2019 | violin |
Smith, Anna | 2024 | violin |
Smith, Cameron | 2019 | cello |
Smith, Edward | 2024 | chief executive |
Smith, Ian | 2020 | French horn |
Smith, Imogen | 2021 | oboe, cor anglais |
Smith, Jennifer | 1989 | voice |
Smith, Jennifer | 2024 | CEO |
Smith, John OBE | 1973 | music licensing and international relations |
Smith, John G | 2023 | piano |
Smith, Kenneth | 1999 | flute |
Smith, Matt | 2015 | flute, composition |
Smith, Paul | 2024 | drums |
Smith, Peter | 2021 | double bass |
Smith, Dr. Rachel | 2012 | flute |
Smith, Robin | 2001 | trumpet |
Smith, Ronald | 1984 | organ, music education |
Smith, Ronald Alan | 1995 | music in education |
Smith, Zoe | 2018 | piano |
Snell, Juliet | 2020 | violin |
Snowden, Jonathan | 2009 | flute |
Socci, Steve | 2020 | percussion |
Solodchin, Galina | 1996 | violin |
Solomons, Dr. Brian | 2016 | |
Sommerville, Ian | 2019 | opera scenography |
Sorrell, Graham | 1988 | voice |
Sparks, Peter | 2019 | clarinet |
Speirs, Paul | 1987 | double bass |
Spencer, Anthony Owen | 2022 | clarinet, organ |
Spencer, Christopher | 2023 | clarinet |
Spencer, Jack | organ | |
Spencer, Katherine | 2020 | clarinet |
Spicer, Susanna | 2019 | voice |
Spiers, Maxwell | 2010 | cor anglais, oboe |
Spragg, Gillian | 2024 | piano |
Stafford, Ashley | 1987 | countertenor |
Stanbury, Rosemary | 2014 | violin |
Stanley, Mike | 2017 | piano, conducting |
Stark, Colin | 1994 | oboe |
Steadman, David | 2023 | music director, conducting |
Steedman, Heather | 1999 | timpani, percussion |
Steele-Perkins, Crispian | 1987 | trumpet |
Stein, Tamara | 2024 | soprano |
Stemp, Morris | 2003 | violin |
Stephenson, Lee | 2002 | clarinet |
Sterling, Claire | 2019 | violin |
Sternefeld, Frank | 1992 | harp |
Stevens, Bridget | 2004 | violin |
Stevens, Richard | 1986 | countertenor, choral conducting |
Stewart, David | 2018 | bass trombone |
Stinton, Jennifer | 2022 | flute |
Stobart, James | 1983 | conducting |
Stocken, Dr. Frederick | 2014 | composition, organ |
Stoker, Guy | 2024 | piano |
Storey, Helen | 2018 | bassoon |
Strange, Jonathan | 1991 | violin |
Streatfeild, Sarah | 2018 | violin |
Strevens, Anita | 2003 | cello |
Stuart, Anna | 2018 | cello |
Studt, Richard | 2017 | violin, conducting |
Sturrock, Susan | 2019 | oboe |
Sturt, Hilary N | 1998 | violin |
Suart, Richard | 2011 | baritone |
Such, The Revd. Canon Howard | 1991 | voice, administration |
Suckling, Christopher | 2007 | cello, musicology |
Sulzmann, Stan | 2009 | saxophone |
Summerbell, Frederick | 2012 | saxophone |
Summers, John OBE | 2022 | administration |
Surgenor, Ingrid MBE, FRAM | 2001 | piano |
Surman, John | 2002 | saxophone |
Sutherland, Iain | 1990 | conducting |
Sutherley, Sue | 1993 | cello |
Sutton, Alison | 2002 | voice |
Sutton, Andrew | 2023 | horn |
Swain, Alan | 2023 | trombone |
Swainson, James | 2016 | viola |
Swainson, Tony | 1997 | tuba |
Swainston-Harrison, Atholl | 2022 | |
Swan, Judith | 1983 | viola |
Sydor, Bob | 2010 | saxophone |
Szabo, Anna | 2017 | violin |
Szymanek, Dr. Robert | 2025 | piano, gamelan |
Tagart, Eleanor | 2017 | piano, harpsichord |
Tan, Melvyn | 1984 | piano |
Tang, Eunice | academia | |
Tanner, Connie | 2024 | bassoon |
Tapping, Claire | 2019 | orchestra personnel management |
Tarling, Judith | 1984 | baroque violin, viola, author |
Tarlton, Philip | 2018 | bassoon |
Taylor, John | 2006 | guitar |
Taylor, Josephine | 2020 | cello |
Taylor, Dr. Julie | 1986 | ethnomusicology, violin |
Teague, Sally | 2006 | violin |
Teague, Samuel | 2025 | voice |
Teale, Alison | 2024 | oboe |
Tebbett, Eric | 2000 | tenor |
Temple, Sara | 2003 | clarinet |
Templeman, Judith | 2018 | violin |
Tennick, Angela | 1994 | oboe |
Tendler, Ron | 1997 | violin, composition |
Theodore, David | 2013 | oboe |
Thoday, Gillian | 1985 | cello |
Thomas, David | 1998 | voice |
Thomas, David J P | 1999 | violin |
Thomas, Helen | 2024 | cello |
Thomas, Hilary | 2009 | soprano |
Thomas, Paul | 1986 | trumpet |
Thomas, Richard | 2005 | trumpet |
Thomas, Sarah | 1984 | lecturer, musicology |
Thomas, Sue | 2017 | flute |
Thompson, Candida | 2006 | violin |
Thompson, Clare | 1996 | violin |
Thompson, Prof. Kevin OBE | 1991 | conducting, conservatoire president |
Thompson, Penelope | 2019 | viola |
Thompson, Robert J | 2010 | piano |
Thompson, Shaun | 2003 | clarinet |
Thompson, Dr. Stewart | 2025 | academia, composition |
Thompson, Susan | 1996 | violin |
Thomson, Christina | 2001 | examiner, teacher, adjudicator |
Thorgilson, Janice | 2004 | violin |
Thorn, Jennifer | 2006 | violin |
Thorne, Jon | 2018 | viola |
Thorner, Madeline | 1981 | cello |
Thornton, Dr. David | 2024 | euphonium, conducting |
Thorp, William | 1987 | violin |
Thurlow, Sarah | 2010 | clarinet |
Thurston, Jennifer | 2015 | violin |
Timms, Prof. Colin | 1996 | musicology |
Tindale, Margaret | 2018 | oboe |
Titterington, Prof. David | 1996 | organ |
Toal, Rebecca | 2023 | trumpet |
Tolfree, Elinor | 2002 | bassoon |
Tomlinson, Joanna | 2019 | choral conducting |
Topping, Gregory | ||
Torbica, Ana | 2023 | viola, voice |
Townend, Richard | 2001 | organ, choral conducting |
Townend, William | 2002 | voice |
Treggor, Judith | 2017 | flute |
Treseder, Gareth | 2023 | tenor, composition |
Trew, Graham MVO | 1986 | baritone |
Trezise, Thomasin | 2019 | soprano |
Trigg, Elizabeth | 2023 | bassoon |
Trinsi, Thiago | 2022 | guitar |
Trodden, Daniel | 2019 | tuba |
Trubridge, Horace | 2000 | saxophone |
Truelove, Amanda | 2019 | cello |
Tucker, Luke | 2019 | bassoon |
Tucker, Mardyah | 2016 | violin |
Tuffery, Brian | 2004 | trumpet |
Tully, Nigel MBE | 2003 | guitar |
Tunnell, Jonathan | 2022 | cello |
Tunstall, Helen | 1992 | harp |
Turnbull, Hannah | 2021 | double bass |
Turnbull, James | 2022 | oboe |
Turner, John | 1999 | recorder |
Turner, Marion | 1976 | violin |
Turner, Michael | 2015 | viola |
Tweed, Penny | 2017 | violin |
Twigg, Gareth | 2019 | bassoon |
Tyack, Clare | 2006 | double bass |
Tyack, Richard | 2006 | bass trombone |
Underwood, John | 1996 | viola |
Unsworth, Beatrice | 2001 | voice |
Valentinaviciute, Joana | 2018 | violin |
van Beuningen, Julia | cello | |
van der Tang, Rachel | 2014 | cello |
Van Horn, Markus | 1999 | double bass |
van Loen, Shelley | 1993 | violin |
Van Passen, Charlotte | 2022 | trombone, sackbut |
Vanryne, Robert | 2022 | trumpet |
Varcoe, Stephen | 2004 | voice |
Varela, Adrián | 2011 | violin, conducting, pedagogy, production |
Varlow, Liz | 2010 | viola |
Vass, George | 1991 | conducting |
Vaughan, Karen | 1986 | harp |
Vaughan, Shirley | 2007 | soprano |
Ventris, Rosalind | 2013 | viola |
Veysey Campbell, Veronica | 2018 | voice |
Wade, Sarah | 2024 | voice |
Wainwright, Rosemary | 2018 | violin |
Wainwright, Sally | 1984 | clarinet |
Wakeman, Alan | 2022 | saxophone |
Walby, Sophie | 2023 | voice |
Waldock, Wendy | 2018 | cello |
Walker, Colin | 1982 | cello |
Walker, Elizabeth (née Stanbridge) | 2018 | flute |
Walker, Sarah CBE | 1996 | voice |
Wall, Richard | 2002 | bass trombone |
Wallace, John CBE | 1982 | trumpet |
Wallace, Richard | 2002 | viola |
Walley, Allen | 2002 | double bass |
Wallin, Jan A | 2004 | double bass |
Wallington, Lawrence | 1984 | bass-baritone |
Walsh, Bridget | 2024 | voice, piano |
Walters, Daniel | 2024 | voice, guitar |
Walton, Andrew | 2022 | producer |
Walton, Jamie | 2000 | cello |
Walton, Peter | 2021 | guitar |
Wang, Beibei | soprano | |
Warhurst, Alan | 1998 | bassoon, contrabassoon |
Warlow, Wayne | 1991 | |
Warner, Stephen | 2003 | double bass |
Warren, Alastair | 2022 | bass trombone |
Warren, Graham | 1991 | French horn, Wagner tuba |
Warren Wilson, Gregory | 2017 | violin |
Waters, Rosalind | 2022 | soprano |
Watkins, David | 1993 | harp, composition |
Watkins, Helen MBE | 1993 | voice |
Watkinson, Andrew | 2018 | violin |
Watson, Alistair | 2010 | piano, voice |
Watson, Richard | 1978 | double bass |
Watt, Jeremy | 2020 | double bass |
Watts, Sarah | 1999 | composition, bassoon, saxophone |
Watts, Lt. Col. Stuart OBE | 1997 | trumpet, director of music |
Way, Marielle | 2018 | flute |
Wayne, Henrietta | 1984 | baroque violin |
Wayne-Wright, Timothy | 2011 | voice |
Webster, Dave | 1994 | drums, percussion |
Weale, Professor Malcolm JP | 1996 | trumpet |
Wegrzynowska, Maja | 2024 | viola |
Weir, Dame Gillian DBE | 1996 | organ |
Wells, Christine | 2006 | cello, organ |
Wells, Matthew | 2017 | trumpet |
West, Dan | 2017 | bass trombone |
West, Jeremy | 2019 | cornett, horns |
West, Lorna | 2023 | bassoon |
Weston, Fiona-Jane | 2025 | voice |
Westmoreland, Janet | 2005 | organ, piano, keyboard |
Wexler, Rebecca | 1998 | viola |
Wheatley, Martin | 2019 | guitar |
Whelan, John | 2009 | music copyist, French horn, bass guitar |
Whettam, Andrew | 1990 | percussion |
White, Barbara | 1994 | trumpet |
White, Catherine | 2018 | harp |
White, David | 1990 | clarinet |
White, Emily | 2017 | trombone |
White, Dr. Ian | 1996 | trombone, composition |
White, Paul | 2022 | education, conducting |
Whitehead, Imogen | 2020 | trumpet |
Whitehead, Rupert | 2020 | trombone |
Whitehead, William | 2021 | organ |
Whitehouse, David John | 2018 | trombone |
Whiteley, Faith | 1983 | violin |
Whiting, Nick | 2024 | violin |
Wick, Rachel | 2017 | harp |
Wick, Stephen | 1994 | tuba |
Widdison, Diane | 2013 | flute |
Widdup, Debbie | 2010 | violin |
Wide, Alexander | 2022 | French horn |
Wildman, Mark | 2015 | bass |
Wilkes, Patricia | 2014 | voice |
Wilkinson, Katie | 1996 | viola |
Willcocks, Jonathan BEM | 1992 | conducting, composition |
Willey, Roger | 1996 | trombone |
Williams, Adrian | 2017 | piano, composition |
Williams, Christopher | 2011 | piano |
Williams, Claire | 2004 | piano |
Williams, Esther | 2018 | oboe |
Williams, Gladys | 2005 | double bass |
Williams, Howard | 2020 | conducting |
Williams, Dr. Jeremy Huw BEM | 2005 | baritone |
Williams, Jonathan | 1991 | cello |
Williams, Jonathan | 2016 | French horn |
Williams, Joseph | 2018 | violin |
Williams, Rachel | 2019 | violin |
Williams, Sarah | 2019 | trombone |
Williams, Sharon | 2011 | piccolo, flute |
Williams, Simon | 1990 | organ, conducting |
Williams, Sioned | 2017 | harp |
Williamson, Malcolm | 1984 | viola, Alexander Technique teacher |
Williamson, Richard | 1997 | viola |
Willis, Martin | 2020 | timpani, percussion |
Willis, Stephen | 2014 | voice, clarinet |
Wills, Simon | 1993 | composition, conducting |
Willison, David | 2024 | piano |
Wilman, Peter | 2020 | voice |
Wilmers, Catherine | 1984 | cello |
Wilson, Anne | 2020 | violin |
Wilson, Jeffrey | 2024 | composition, saxophone |
Wilson, John | 2020 | conducting |
Wilson, Martin | 1996 | |
Wilson, Stina | flute | |
Wing, Paul | 2021 | orchestra general manager |
Winstanley, Harry | 2019 | flute |
Winstone, Norma MBE | 1998 | voice |
Winter, Richard | 2016 | percussion |
Winter, Sidonie | 2022 | mezzo-soprano |
Winthorpe, Tom | 2005 | trombone |
Wistreich, Richard | 1981 | voice |
Wollard, Tony | 2023 | cello |
Wollen, Damaris | 2022 | clarinet |
Wolstenholme, Ben | 2018 | double bass |
Wood, Christopher | 2020 | piano |
Wood, Robin | 2003 | piano, ukelele |
Woodgate, Ben | 2013 | clarinet |
Woodhouse, Nigel | 1983 | guitar |
Woods, Amanda | 2007 | violin |
Woods, Carol | 2004 | piano |
Woof, Eunice MBE | 2004 | voice, piano theory |
Wooldridge, Yvonne | 1992 | violin |
Woolston, Jonathan | 2024 | violin making |
Wordsworth, Barry | 1981 | conducting |
Worral, Peter | 2000 | cello |
Worthington, Dr. Roger | 1978 | |
Wright, Adam | 2019 | trumpet |
Wright, Ian | 1990 | timpani |
Wright, Juan | 2005 | trombone |
Wyatt, David | 2019 | organ, piano |
Wyatt, Paula (aka Paula Tysall) | 2009 | violin, viola |
Wyn-Rogers, Catherine | 2017 | mezzo-soprano |
Wythe, David | 2019 | French horn |
Wyver, Sheilia (née Cook) | 2005 | bassoon, contrabassoon |
Yandell, Naomi | 2024 | |
Yandell, Nigel Dr. | 2024 | piano |
York, John | 2009 | piano |
Young, Alistair | 1992 | keyboard, piano, organ |
Young, Dr. David | 1993 | viola, musicology |
Young, Geoffrey | 1981 | saxophone |
Young, John | 1994 | trumpet |
Young, Meg | 2000 | flute |
Young, Dr. Toby | 2009 | composition, academia |
Yu, Wingyan | ||
Zakrzewska, Emilia | 2019 | flute |
Zaradin, John | 2004 | guitar |
Zhang, Xizi | piano | |
Zivoni, Yossi | 1984 | violin |
Daniel Barenboim KBE
Bob Boas
John Chown
Relf Clark
The Lord Stevenson of Coddenham CBE
Lady Ann Crickhowell
D Garfield Davies MB BS FRCS HonFRAM
Viv Davies LTCL RSA
David B Diggs
Sir Vernon Ellis
Andrew Festing RP
Lord Glendonbrook CBE
Fr Roderick Leece
Richard C G Legge
Corinne Littlehales
Prof Michael Lunn MBBS MRCP PhD
Johnny Wakeham LDS RCS BDS
Revd. John Wates OBE JP
Peter Wootton