Meet the composer: Isabella Gellis
Isabella’s work Rusty Swan-Neck Moss for solo cello, will receive its premiere at our upcoming Jacqueline du Pré concert at Wigmore Hall, performed by Adrian Brendel. Find out more about her beginnings as a composer and her process for creating works.
From the Archives: Richard Carte
Head and shoulders above the rest, this item is a bust of flautist Richard Carte, presented to the Society in 1981.
From the Archives: The Declaration of Trust
A look at the earliest document relating to the Society’s founding, the Declaration of Trust, which features the names of the original 230 subscribers, including Handel
RSM People: Orphy Robinson MBE and Carl Jackson MVO
We’re delighted to announce the election of acclaimed jazz percussionist Orphy Robinson MBE and re-election of Carl Jackson MVO, organist and Director of Music, Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace, to our Board of Governors.
From the Archives: William Dance
Take a look at this 18th century pencil drawing of pianist, violinist and composer William Dance, who played a major part in the governance of the Society during his lifetime.
From the Archives: Christmas Quiz 2024 - Identify the instrument
Do you know what an ‘Angelute’ is? Learn more about its inventor John Charles Ward.
Ian Winspur
Hand surgeon Ian Winspur, who treated many RSM musicians over the years, has died. Read his obituary, written by Katherine Butler, clinical specialist in Hand Therapy and BAPAM clinician
From the Archives: Giacomo Puccini
An autographed manuscript of Puccini’s Humming Chorus from Madama Butterfly
From the Archives: George August Polgreen Bridgtower (Bridgetower)
Violinist George Bridgtower joins as a Member in 1807 but not without questions from the Governors
RSM People: Clare Tyack and Emily White
It’s never too early to start thinking about your will, and as musicians, there are so many more options of what you can leave. Two Members have chosen to remember RSM, gifting royalties in the case of Clare Tyack and historic instruments in the case of Emily White as an ongoing legacy to the Society which can benefit musicians in need for generations to come.
From the Archives: Christoph Willibald Ritter von Gluck
We take a look at a line engraving of composer Christopher Gluck, published in The Harmonicon in 1823.
RSM People: Charlotte Penton-Smith
RSM’s Chief Executive Charlotte Penton-Smith describes what led her to the Society, what an average day looks like and what the future holds for the organisation.
RSM People: James Turnbull
Getting the support you need is about so much more than just the money, it’s about getting it on time and with care. That was oboist James Turnbull’s experience when he needed turn to RSM for help.
From the Archives: Become an RSM digital volunteer
RSM’s earliest surviving minute books, previously photographed onto microfilm in the1980s, have recently been converted to digital images, which we now need your help to make the most of.
From the Archives: John David Sainsbury
On the occasion of the Monarch’s gracious continued patronage of RSM, we look at the Royal Charter granted by George III in 1790.
From the Archives: The Royal Charter of 1790
On the occasion of the Monarch’s gracious continued patronage of RSM, we look at the Royal Charter granted by George III in 1790.
Royal Patronage
To mark the first anniversary of Their Majesties’ Coronation, His Majesty The King has accepted the Patronage of The Royal Society of Musicians.
From the Archives: Frank G. Dossert
We look at the posthumous publication of the full score of Dossert’s Mass in B minor.