RSM People: Jay Blanes
For Jay, his pursuit of a career in music was not necessarily compatible with his anxiety disorder, the act of making music for joy sometimes at odds with the act of striving for success. Find out how RSM was able to help Jay manage his anxiety and what it has meant for his career.
From the Archives: Fundraising, social networking and holiday cheer in 1936
The tradition of the annual luncheon for RSM Members.
RSM People: Alison Moncrieff-Kelly
As a former beneficiary, a Member and a part of the Court of Assistants, cellist Alison Moncrieff-Kelly has first-hand experience of more facets of RSM than most.
RSM People: Ben Tarlton
For a musician to express themselves properly, they need not only ability, but also the right instrument. The Society’s Fine Instrument Scheme enables professional musicians to have use of high quality stringed instruments on a medium to long-term basis. The Scheme has recently been gifted a William Forster cello which has been made available to Ben Tarlton. He tells RSM what it means to have world-class equipment at his disposal.
From the Archives: Arthur Sullivan
Singer, organist, conductor and composer Arthur Sullivan's association with RSM goes all the way back to his time as a child chorister.
RSM People: Becky Saif
March marked the second anniversary of the UK’s first national lockdown to counter the emerging threat of Covid-19. For DJ and producer Becky Saif, that loss of earnings has hit more than just her bank balance.
From the Archives: Music Festivals in Britain
A look at the growth of music festival across the country in the 18th century
From the Archives: George Frideric Handel
The oldest surviving score of Handel's Water Music.